God Hugs

Keep a gratitude journal; it’s a pathway to joy and happiness. We take so much for granted and when we do, we are blind to blessings and dishonor God. So, yes we need to practice gratitude every day and give God credit for who He has been, who He is and who He will continue to be in our lives.

Sure we appreciate the Big things God does for us. Things like a new job, a house, a car, a restored relationship or a battle won. But, to really appreciate things, you cannot ignore the small things. God interacts with each of us on a personal level. He knows what excites you, warms your heart or brings a smile to your face. He creates experiences for you that are tailored to your preferences and when He does, I call these experiences God hugs!

Yesterday, I was about to pay for my coffee but the cashier picked up the tab- God Hug!

Or, when the parking lot at the mall is packed, but I find a spot in the front-God Hug!

Better yet, when I walk outside and it’s a sunny day- God Hug!

Or, whenever I see is a ladybug; God knows I love ladybugs- God Hug!

Once, during a time of frustration, miraculously a hummingbird appears- God Hug! I can count on one hand the time I’ve seen a hummingbird. In fact, I never knew hummingbirds even existed until I saw one for the first time at the age of 25. I was at Tangee’s house who at the time lived in the boonies!

Or, when a good friend calls 30 seconds after I thought of him/her- God Hug!

How about the rare time I have to look at tv and at that moment, and a movie within my favorite genre is playing- God hug!

Or, the times (without confusion) I know God has just communicated with me- God Hug!

When we take notice of these experiences as blessings, as God hugs, we realized how much we are loved, and we don’t take our Great God for granted.

God knows what makes you tick? Every day start to look for the God Hugs in your life.

Do me a favor though- when you notice that you’ve just received a God Hug, share your appreciation; share your testimony. Just think how pleased our Father will be when his children around the world begin to recognize and thank him for all of the blessings he bestows on us.

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