
Who do you admire? Is it a famous athlete? Maybe it is a movie star. Or, it could be an inventor or a musician. Some people’s gifts really stand out, but each and every one of us has gifts. I did not say a gift. I said, “Gifts.” I want to share with you a story.

It was early one morning and I was coming back from taking my grandson home, and the Lord asked, “Wanda- if you had two children, one that is successful and one that is not, and you were to die who would you leave your inheritance to? I proudly replied, “Well Lord I would leave it to the child who did not have much.” The Lord replied, “No, and He reminded me of a scripture, the one in the bible about the talents.

In short, there is a story in the bible where 3 servants were given money. Two of the servants multiplied the money and when the master returned, he was pleased with them. However, one servant buried the money did not multiply it; the master was not happy and demanded that the money be taken away from the slaughtful servant and given to the other two. I DID NOT LiKE THIS BIBLE STORY.

Now, back to the conversation I was having with God. When God reminded me of the story in the bible about the talents (money). I thought Lord, I don’t like that scripture.” Why was the money  taken away from the servant who buried the money. The servant didn’t loose the money. Why would the money be taken away from the person who had the least? This story did not appeal to my sense of compassion. So I said, “God I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” I totally shut down.

I had a full day’s work ahead but throughout the day, the conversation I had with the Lord was in the forefront of my thinking. I was eager to finish it. When I got home I said, “Ok Lord I’m ready to talk.” The Lord knew how stubborn my thinking was regarding this scripture, so he went straight for the juggler. He said, “Hypothetically, what if I told you in 5 generations from now I want to send a special spirit through your bloodline and I want You to prepare the way for the special spirit. Now who would you leave the inheritance to? Would you leave it to the child who will multiply it or the one who would squander it?

I confidently replied, “Lord I would leave it to the child who would multiply it!”I Got it! I finally understood the “talent scripture.” The Lord continued saying I have gifts in you that have not become manifest in this realm. At this time, the Lord revealed to me that I was to become a teacher. I was shocked because I never thought of being a teacher. In fact, I asked the Lord if he were sure it was I who was to become a teacher.” The Lord knows the gifts he put in us, but I was unaware of this gift. I enrolled into college and throughout the program, I was insecure about this gift. I constantly questioned it, and it was not until 6 years later that I realized I had the gift of teaching. At the end of my first year of teaching, my students had the highest test scores in middle school.

When I think of a person who utilizes many of their gifts in this realm, I think of Oprah.

Consider some of her gifts:

  • Television talk show host
  • Television Network Owner
  • Philanthropist
  • Public Motivational Speaker
  • Mom to girls in South Africa
  • Author…

In respect to her gifts, I challenge you to think of other categories that I may have missed.

Child of the Most High God- you have many gifts. Do your best to develop them. The Lord  gets things done in this realm through us. When we were in heaven, he put several gifts in us, and he’s counting on us to carry out his will in this realm.





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