Gratitude Done Differently

Do you battle with being a Nancy? For those of us who struggle with negativity, life can be perpetually unsatisfying. 

Indeed, daily entries in a gratitude journal are a remedy. Or, opening you eyes to the simple blessings in life can be another. 

Simple Blessings

For example, I like butterflies, hummingbirds, and ladybugs. And convenient parking spaces, colorful towels, flowers bring a smile to my face. Literally, I giggle when I realize a historical about to play. The sun is my best friend and nature is my peace. Beautiful porches/patios are my comfort.

Because of normalcy, these little gems in life go unnoticed, but whenever I gave credence to them, satisfaction ensues. Still I needed to find more opportunities to bask in the grateful zone.

Gratitude Done Differently

I wanted to find a way to have a good attitude when pushing through challenges in life.


Use the “I get to”phrase and see what a difference a few words can make. Consider some of my “I get to” statements.

I get toget out of bed and conquer the day because I’m healthy and have a sound mind.

I get to go to work today remembering that some people don’t have a job.

I get to exercise, while others are bedridden.                             

I get to be a blessing today and take a coworker her ID/cell phone she left on the plane, even though its going to add 30 minutes to my schedule when I’m eager to get home.

I get to help my elderly neighbors today and implement biblical principles. Romans 13:8 says, “Be indebted to no one, except to one another in love, for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the Law.”

I get to start my day at 3:00 am and look forward to it ending at 9:00 am.

I ask you to join me by employing I get to statements throughout your day. For me, this strategy keeps me in the positive realm.

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