The Miracle in the Midst of the Storms

The word storm is an understatement. It was more like a hurricane, a tornado and an earthquake simultaneously. I was in my second year of teaching and needless to say -it was a wretched time on so many levels. Dealing with student behaviors, a new, rigorous standardized test, and 3 new teachers on the hallway was like an explosion of bombs detonating like falling dominos.

On the home front, more ridiculousness started to unfold when I tried to use my debit card which was rejected. I called the bank and was asked if I’d been in an area that I never visit. It appears as though, several charges were made with my bank card. Strraaange????? “How could someone use my debit card when it has been in my possession the whole time?” I thought. The following days became a nightmare and a blur as correspondence started coming in. It appears as though I’d charged 1300 on my Macys card. Better yet, I’d opened and charged up a Khols account to boot. Not to forget, I’d spent 4000 dollars in an AT&T Mobile Store. How in the world does that not ring a bell? Who spends 4000 dollars in a mobile phone store? My mind didn’t stop spinning for weeks as I filed police reports, reviewed my credit reports, and proved to retailers I had Nothing to do with this identity fraud madness.

Now this is the part where another disaster unfolded. I was coming home from seeing my doctor for STRESS when I approached my house and my son ran towards my car with fear in his eyes and blurted out, “Mom someone broke in your house!” From that moment, my world was covered with a haze, literally. I had not totally finished dealing with the identity theft and now was faced with replacing a sliding glass door, along with All the technology I owned. I had just purchased a Mac laptop which was still in the box. Getting an alarm system, filing another police report, and dealing  with serious health issues were more concerns I was forced to face.

Needless to say I took time of off work and found myself fighting for my sanity. Most people talk of having headaches but I had a face ache. There was constant Pain on my left side from the top of my head- down the left side of my face- on to the left side of my neck. This pain went on for days non-stop. No amount of pain medicine eased it.

As I felt myself entering a black hole the Holy Spirit said, “Where do you see God in this?” I pondered to think about this questions and the answers came to me like a flood. My neighbors had helped me clean all the glass from the shattered sliding glass door and refused to let me help; they insisted I stay with them for a few days; my coworker, whom I call daughter treated me out to dinner; my daughter went with me to shop for guns; my son stayed over for a week; my friend, who’s like a father checked on me everyday; my brother replaced my tv; my BFF called everyday. I saw God in the people who allowed him to use them. The acts of these people were the manifestation of God’s love in my life during the most difficult time in my life. I’d put my pride aside and decided to call one friend in particular. I rehearsed what I’d say. I would explain to her the nonsense that had become my world and then I do the unthinkable. I would ask her to travel from Tennessee to Atlanta to spend time with me. I’d tell her that I needed her support. Michelle didn’t give me a chance to get through the story before she blurted out, “I’m coming. I’m coming. I’ll be there Saturday!”

On Saturday, that face ache really started to take its toll. I could not complete working in the hair salon. I got off early and laid on my couch. There was nothing to do but to listen to the radio a neighbor lent me since all my technology had been stolen. For the first time since the robbery, I turned on the radio to the Christian channel. The word of God in the form of music began to circulate in the atmosphere and in my spirit. My friend, Michelle came by around 8 o’clock with dinner and wine. I was so ill that I could not sit up. Our dialogue went like this. She said, “So what are you going to do?” I responded, “I don’t know.” She continued, “So when are you going back to work?” I lamented, “I don’t know.” I was so out of sorts I could not see pass the next hour nevertheless the next week or months. I didn’t know if I need to take prescription drugs to get through this ordeal. Everybody knows I dislike taking pharmaceutical drugs. I didn’t know if I would go back to my job. I didn’t know if I could continue sleeping in my house. I had convinced myself that the identity theft people had broken into my house as well and that it was all a conspiracy. The police, however, assured me that the robbery and identity theft were coincidental. The fact remained- this  moment in my future was very uncertain.

Michelle and I finished our time of sharing around 2 o’clock am and before she left, she prayed a mighty prayer. After locking the door behind her, the strangest thing happened. I realized the face ache I’d had for days without relief was Gone!!!! Even more, I could think clearly; the brain fog I’d experienced since the day of the robbery had suddenly vanished! I felt better than I had in over 6 years. I was normal again! In a blink of an eye, this unforeseen wellness and strength “seemed” to come from nowhere. However, I knew God showed up, and he showed out! Indeed, when I’d lost control, He took control. This was the second time the Lord worked a miracle on my behalf. From that day on, I got stronger and stronger and was able to secure my house, learn how to use a firearm, sleep peacefully and finish out the school year, which continued to be tumultuous, but He continued to strengthen me. God is still in the business of performing miracles.


Another lesson I at this time that I want to share with you is— look for God in the midst of your troubles. By doing this, I was able to focus on the positives instead of dwelling on all negative circumstances I was facing. I realized God was sending people from the north, the south, the east and the west to assist and comfort me. I could see that he was surrounding me with His love. I even noticed Him showering me with other little things I appreciate- like seeing a lady bug or a butterfly or getting a parking space up front in a crowded parking lot or eyeing a bird of prey flying above so gracefully. By looking for God in my circumstances, instead of being depressed during this trying time, I had unspeakable joyful because God clearly showed me I was the apple of His eye!












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2 Replies to “The Miracle in the Midst of the Storms”

  1. I really enjoyed reading your blog. BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT.

  2. Great story. Write a book

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