The Greatest Love

All my life rejection has been hard for me to tolerate. On one occasion, I was speaking with a friend a year after a breakup. I inquired, “How long does it take for you to recover from a breakup?” She responded, “Oh, a few months.” My friend then asked, “What about you?” I lamented, “It’s been about a year and a few months, and I’m still not over him.” Without hesitation, Anika said, “That’s too long!” My mind raced and I thought, “Mmmm this has been a pattern since my teen years. I seem to suffer from breakups longer than most people.” Still, I am trying to uncover why rejection is so challenging for me.

Specifically, during a past breakup, my suffering was immense; sadness hovered over me like a rain cloud too… long. During this time, I found myself in a sky scraper about to refinance a mortgage loan. The only thing in the room was a long conference table and a window the size of a wall. When I looked out of that window, all I could see were tree tops for miles, and the Lord said, “That’s beautiful isn’t it? I said, Yes Lord.” The small voice continued saying, “I made that, and it is Vast, but You are more important to me than that! Now imagine that you are in the desert. Are you there?” I said, “Yes Lord.” He said, “What do you see? I said, “I see a desert with sand dunes for miles and an orange and yellow sunset. He said, “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” I responded, “Yes Lord.” He continued, “ I made that and it is Vast, but You are more important than that!” The Lord said, “Now imagine you are on the beach. Are you there?” I said, “Yes Lord.” He said, “What do you see?” I said, “I see blue- green waves for miles and a white sandy beach. He said, “It’s beautiful isn’t it.” I agreed, “Yes Lord.” And he said, “I made that and it is Vast, but You are more important than that!”

The Lord then said, “Imagine a rich man who has a mansion. It has solid gold stair railings, granite counter tops, marble floors and diamond chandeliers. What if a thief comes in? What do you think the rich man would say?” I said, “I don’t know Lord.” Then he said, “I’ll tell you what the rich man would say. He’d say, “Take whatever you want but don’t hurt my child, and that’s how I feel about You.”

The Most High God – the God who made heaven and earth loves you. Consider the following scripture:

 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 8:38-39

Child of God- walk with your head held high. Be not dismayed when a spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, colleague, relative or friend rejects you. On earth, love can be so… minute or superficial. In contrast, God’s love is unending; it’s immeasurable. Be confident, be secure, and be your unique self because He will always love you just the way you are. You are his masterpiece.

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