Christian Life

Representing Christ

Father / Mother
Sister / Brother
Nephew / Niece
And Kin Others

Colleague / Friend
Student / Leader
Neighbor / Servant
And Community Workers

All roles are not given
But- how are you living
Actions speak louder than listening
Who are you representing

Choose today who you will serve
(Joshua 24:15)

“Well done my good and faithful servant,” is what
we strive to hear at the end of our days here.
(Mathew 25:21)

Consider the state of the world today. People struggle to grasp hope in any form. There are many things that are out of the norm, but please do what you can to create a better places in this realm. The message in this post simply is although as an individual you may not have the power to change circumstances globally, collectively each of us can. We can operate in integrity and love our neighbor. We can learn to respect people and learn to serve people rather than money in our employment spaces.
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