Is Kindness a Weakness?

Colorful rock on rocky shore. One rock with word kindness stands out/

The following scene plays out over and over. Sure the characters and the setting may be different but the scenario is the same. You sow acts of kindness but seemingly fail to collect a harvest.

A True Story

“Girl did you hear what that crazy Samantha did? She let Janice stay with her without paying any rent for 6 months. Samantha barely has money to put food on the table, literally. 

Girl the next thing you know Jamie moved out of Samantha’s apartment and bought a condo. And to make matters worse, a few months later, Jamie needed a ride and Samantha wouldn’t… even…. give her a ride” gossiped family and friends.

Act 1

In my   20’s I went to the Lord broken hearted saying, “Lord I’m in Rome I have to do what the Roman’s do. Lord people don’t appreciate kindness; in fact they call kind people fools. I’m in Rome I have to do what the Roman’s do,” I lamented. 

The lord replied, “ Wanda if you change then you’re not going to live out the destiny I planned for your life. You will not impart in the earth what I intended.” I got it! So, I wiped away the tears and rose from despair.

Act 2

The instructions and encouragement I got from the Lord in my 20’s strengthened me for the next 10 years, at which time I found myself in my 30’s and  in the same situation- downtrodden.

With a heavy heart, I cried out to the Lord saying, “Lord- to some people you give the gift of song. And when they sing their song to the world, the world gives them a standing ovation saying that’s the most beautiful song we’ve ever heard. Job well done.

And to some, Lord, you’ve given the ability to create art. As a result, they present their picture to the world. And with great applause, the world stands up saying that’s the most amazing picture we’ve ever seen. Job well done.

But to me Lord, you’ve given the gift of kindness and world does not appreciate kindness. The Lord replied, “Wanda- they will get their applause from the world. Your applause comes directly from Me!”

Similarly, I received the words of wisdom and moved forward.

 Act 3

However, -destitute- now in my 40’s, I went to the Lord. Why is it that many people receive kindness yet they are ungrateful? I took this dilemma to the Lord and when I cried out, the Lord sighed and said, “Waannnnda… birds of a feather flock together. Criminal birds flock with criminal birds. Materialistic birds flock with materialistic birds. And Gossiping birds flock with gossiping birds. 

You’ve been flocking with all the birds. You have to be kind to all the birds. But only flock with kind birds.”

I had a light bulb moment. I got it! I said, “Lord I don’t believe I’ll come to you for this matter again.” That was 15  years ago and, indeed, I learned the lesson. As instructed, I’m nice to everyone but I’m selective of those I allow in my inner circle. 

People who are in my inner circle are not takers; instead, we engage in the reciprocal process (we give and take). Because we have different gifts, we impart differently to one another. 

Likewise, when you choose friends carefully,  disappointment will not be your constant companion. Typically, we get hurt due to failed expectations.

 The Take Away

Continue being kind to everyone but choose who you allow close to your heart. Never get so discouraged that you stop being kind or else satan wins; his mission is to stop kindness in the earth through offense.

The bible says, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” (NKJV)

Indeed, we will reap a harvest for doing good, but never look to reap or be appreciated from those who benefited from your kindness. Look to God. He will meet your needs; He will provide the ram in the bush.

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